About Us
Goblins Junk Removal was started as a way to earn extra income during some rough patches in my life. Come to find out I was not the only one in need of some extra income, people close to me were also struggling but had the drive and the will to join me in my new business venture. Success or failure I had a team that would stand by me while starting from scratch. We put our brains together and our separate skill sets to see how we can make this a functional business. We decided to take this serious and scale the business up and past our wildest dreams. Everyday we are working towards those goals we have in our hearts and minds. We are improving as a team and as a business daily. This is how our family business was started and without our loyal customers we would not be in the position we are today! Sincerely we thank you all for every opportunity to earn your business!
Goblins Junk Removal was started as a way to earn extra income during some rough patches in my life. Come to find out I was not the only one in need of some extra income, people close to me were also struggling but had the drive and the will to join me in my new business venture. Success or failure I had a team that would stand by me while starting from scratch. We put our brains together and our separate skill sets to see how we can make this a functional business. We decided to take this serious and scale the business up and past our wildest dreams. Everyday we are working towards those goals we have in our hearts and minds. We are improving as a team and as a business daily. This is how our family business was started and without our loyal customers we would not be in the position we are today! Sincerely we thank you all for every opportunity to earn your business!
- Goblins Junk Removal
- Goblins Junk Removal
Meet Our Family!
Meet Our Family!
Anthony Rodriguez
Esmeralda Rodriguez
Madison Younger
Francisco Rodriguez
Tina Montez
Javi Garcia
Leon Garcia